Featured Charities

Small Acts of Kindness: Supporting young people in areas of extreme poverty and conflict Members Public

Small Acts of Kindness works on projects with local schools and other organisations, focusing on developing leadership and life skills.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

One Roof Leicester: Supporting local homeless people Members Public

One Roof Leicester provides support to people who are homeless, destitute refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerably housed in Leicester.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Rainbow Rogues: Supporting families and children with additional support needs Members Public

Rainbow Rogues offers aid to families and children with special needs and disabilities.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Feline Care: Providing sanctuary for cats and helping them find a forever home Members Public

Feline Care aims to provide a safe and loving place for cats to live, in addition to seeking a long-term home for them to be adopted into.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Juvenile Arthritis Research: Working towards a cure for juvenile idiopathic arthritis Members Public

Juvenile Arthritis Research operates to find a cure for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and support affected children.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

NGNPUK: Providing much-needed syringe drivers for palliative care patients Members Public

NGNPUK operates to raise funds for greater availability of syringe drivers in and around Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Fifth Sense: Supporting people affected by smell and taste disorders Members Public

Fifth Sense strives to revolutionise society's understanding of taste and smell and, in turn, transform the lives of those with smell and taste disorders.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Shoebox Express: Removing barriers to participation in Christmas shoebox schemes Members Public

Shoebox Express is a local charity based in Formby, premised on the belief that it should not be difficult, time-consuming, or costly to participate in a Christmas shoebox scheme.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities