Featured Charities

Preston Domestic Violence Services: Working to end domestic violence Members Public

Preston Domestic Violence Services (PDVS) exists solely to support adults and children in Preston experiencing (or having experienced) domestic violence.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Bloomin' Dementia: Providing front-line and practical support Members Public

Bloomin’ Dementia was launched in 2017, with the support of Nottingham Forest footballers Chris Cohen and Danny Fox.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Challenge MND: The unstoppable charity creating lasting memories Members Public

Every day, 6 people are diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. Challenge MND helps those people and their loved ones create memories to cherish forever.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Emerge 3RS: Turning waste into something wonderful Members Public

Emerge's vision is a world where reducing, reusing and recycling are second nature. A world where resources are cherished and people never go hungry.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

1moreChild: Changing lives in Jinja, Uganda Members Public

In an area of Uganda where many children have no choice but to live and work on the streets, 1moreChild makes an incredible difference to young lives.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

Lyme disease UK: Tackling a real knowledge gap Members Public

Ever been bitten by a tick? This vital charity raises awareness about the tick-borne disease that affects thousands in the UK alone and often goes undiagnosed.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

SkyWay: A positive future shouldn't just happen by chance Members Public

Many young people in London have to work harder to create the future they deserve. SkyWay creates and connects them with the opportunities they need to thrive.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities

The Vavengers: Ending violence against women and girls Members Public

Standing with and for every woman affected by Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and Violence Against Women and Girls. This London-based charity is empowering.

Kieron James
Kieron James
Featured Charities