Pakistan appeal: helping those impacted by the severe flooding

Ihsan Global Relief has launched an emergency appeal to help people whose lives have been turned upside down by the devastating situation in Pakistan.

Kieron James
Kieron James

Since June 2022, the floods in Pakistan have taken the lives of over 2000 people. A combination of monsoon rain, melting glaciers, and a heavy heatwave led to one of the world's most devastating flooding emergencies. Pakistan have since declared a state of emergency, and the nation is in need of help to recover and rebuild.

Ihsan Global Relief

The charity being supported in this campaign is Ihsan Global Relief.

They are an international relief and development agency, aiming to alleviate poverty and suffering of people affected by natural disasters and conflicts around the world. The charity aims to achieve lasting change, with a focus on long-term sustainability.

You learn more about the life-changing support that Ihsan Global Relief offers over on their website.

"Ihsan Global Relief is governed by a board of trustees who are passionate about transforming the lives of the poor and needy."


Ali's fundraising campaign centres on providing relief through the likes of medical care, food, and shelter. Specific amounts raised can ensure that medical camps are made, food is available, and shelter provided.

The scale of impact in Pakistan has affected a space that is almost the size of Britain. This puts into context the magnitude of the situation.

Any donation, however big or small, can go a long way to saving lives and helping those affected.

You may support Ali's campaign here: | Pakistan Floods Appeal 2022
Current situation Pakistan has been facing severe weather conditions due to unprecedented monsoon rains which have flooded over one fifth of the entire

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