Paddling beyond breast cancer, champagne in hand!

After pausing activities in response to Coronavirus, this strong-armed gang of breast cancer survivors are raising funds to keep their dragon boat afloat.

Kieron James
Kieron James

The Pink Champagne Dragon Boat Team is composed exclusively of breast cancer survivors. It provides women in Dorset with an inspiring and supportive community, and a new lease of life following medical treatment.

After recent Covid restrictions made it impossible for the charity to carry out its usual fundraising activities (such as their annual Dragon Boat Festival) a group of wonderful fundraisers from this incredible club are now raising money to ensure they can continue to support other women affected by breast cancer.

"The sport of Dragon Boat Racing provides both physical and mental support to our ladies. Following treatment and into recovery , it is a hugely positive experience and achievement. No one understands cancer like someone who has been there, combine that with the fun of a team environment and the challenge of sport and competition, it's a winning combination and literally gives our members a new lease of life after experiencing the worst time in their life." - Mary, Pink Champagne paddler

Later this month, the team will be rowing an impressive 27 miles as part of a 'Moon Paddle' to raise funds and awareness for the charity that has directly supported and enriched their lives.

Head to the Pink Champagne Team's Wonderful profile page to find out more. The group is currently looking for new members, so if you know anyone in the dorset area affected by breast cancer, they could be streaming along in a pink dragon boat in no time! | Pink Champagne Breast Cancer Survivors’ Dragon Boat Team
Pink Champagne Breast Cancer Survivors Dragon Boat Team was established in 2008 by a group of breast cancer patients, in collaboration with the breast

Did you know?

There is a global movement to introduce breast cancer survivors to the wonderful world of dragon boating, all to bring good health and joy back to the lives of the millions of women affected by this disease.

The movement was started in 1996 by Canadian sports medicine specialist Don McKenzie. Today, over 300 cancer surviving dragon boat teams are propelled through rivers and lakes around the world.

Dragon boats date back 2000 years to the Pearl River Delta in China, where villagers would compete in races as part of folk rituals. Traditionally a drummer sits in the boat, creating an fantastic atmosphere and ensuring all rowers paddle as one.

Photo by Samuel Wong on Unsplash

If you live in the UK and are interested in dragon boat racing, you can find out more via the British Dragon Boat Racing Association.

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