A Hopewell community session showing locals enjoying each other's company and sharing food.

Hopewell: Working with communities for wellbeing

This Manchester-based charity provides a range of services at the neighbourhood level to support local people.

Kieron James
Kieron James

"We support people who are socially isolated or otherwise marginalised by reason (primarily, but not exclusively) of age; disability or long-term illness; ethnicity, language, or culture; gender; or education." - Hopewell

The charity provides a hub for individuals in the Cheetham & Crumpsall, North Manchester area  to meet, socialise and take part in health-promoting activities such as yoga and physical exercise.

Hopewell's work closely matches the Five Ways to Wellbeing, helping people to:

  • Connect with others;
  • Be physically active;
  • Learn new skills;
  • Give to others;
  • Be aware of their surroundings.

As a result of the charity's work, its beneficiaries become:

  • More resilient (able to bounce back from life’s challenges);
  • More confident;
  • More informed;
  • More connected.

The charity also makes an important difference to the community more broadly by helping to break down barriers between different social groups.

Take a look at this video showing a local get together at a local community centre.

If you'd like to make a donation to support Hopewell's work, head to Hopewell's Wonderful profile page. You can also fundraise for Hopewell, safe in the knowledge that ever penny you raise will reach the charity:

Hopewell | Wonderful.org
Hopewell is a participant-led charity based in Cheetham & Crumpsall works across North Manchester who are living with long-term health conditions including
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