Fundraising for The Ringside Charitable Trust in honour of Andy Petty

Andy Petty's character and love of boxing left a lasting impact on everybody that he met. Supporting such a fantastic charity would be a special way to honour his memory.

Kieron James
Kieron James
"Andy was a larger-than-life character, hardworking, full of mischief and bad jokes, He was very caring and loved to help others." - Theresa

Andy Petty was a popular and very loved person among his peers, and unfortunately he has passed away. Andy's loved ones have decided to honour their memory of him by supporting a charity that is very close to what he was passionate about. Being a big boxing fan, Andy offered support at many boxing events and also raised money for charities. It is for this reason that those close to him have decided to undertake a fundraising campaign as a tribute, supporting The Ringside Charitable Trust.

The Ringside Charitable Trust

The Ringside Charitable Trust supports boxers that experience a range of health issues as a result of boxing. This includes chronic injuries, illnesses, depression, and alcohol dependency. The charity aims to provide a care home for boxers affected in this way, which can help provide ongoing medical help and therapy.

The aim of the charity is to sustain and develop a home that will meet the needs of boxers that have long and short-term issues as a result of their profession. With a thirty-six bed residential unit being their target, support towards their cause goes a long way to ensuring they can care for the boxers that have shown such dedication to their careers over the years.


  • Care for boxers who have health issues as a result of boxing.
  • Develop a home to meet the needs of the boxers.
  • Raise funds for ongoing management and maintenance of the home.
  • Raise awareness of the health issues former boxes experience.
More insight into Ringside Charitable Trust

You can support Theresa's fundraiser for The Ringside Charitable Trust, in honour of Andy Petty, here: | Andy Petty Memorial Fund
Andy was a larger-than-life character, hardworking, full of mischief and bad jokes, He was very caring and loved to help others. Andy was an avid boxing
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