Big SleepOut 2022: Sleeping outside on a cold winter's night in aid of homelessness
Ana will be sleeping outside in December for Big SleepOut 2022, to support homeless people and to raise awareness of homelessness. She will be doing this in aid of Threshold Housing Link, a charity that aims to tackle homelessness in Swindon.
Ana will be taking on a gruelling overnight challenge, where she will be sleeping outside in the middle of winter. This will support Threshold Housing Link, a charity that strives to tackle homelessness. Ana hopes to raise awareness of what it means to be homeless, rally support for homeless people, and put herself in the shoes of people that live this reality every day.
"Not having a home can make it harder for individuals to find a job, It is our responsibility to help each other build and create a better community and a better world." - Ana
Threshold Housing Link
Threshold Housing Link are a Swindon-based homeless charity that have worked tirelessly for nearly 50 years to tackle the issue of homelessness.
They prioritise ending homelessness within Swindon, aiming to help those in need to find accommodation. They also go beyond this, helping homeless people to become independent so that they can sustain and build upon this for the rest of their lives.
The manner of care offered is person-centred, meaning every person is treated and respected as an individual with their own unique needs. This demonstrates how Threshold Housing Link go above and beyond to not only eradicate homelessness, but also show great care and consideration to the long-term prospects of those whom they support.
Big SleepOut is an annual event that they host every year, and you can read more about it here.
You can also learn more about Threshold Housing Link and keep up to date with them on their website.
"Threshold remains for many homeless people in Swindon their primary source of support, providing them with meaningful services to mitigate or end the suffering of rough sleeping or other homelessness."
Ana is working hard with fundraising ahead of the Big SleepOut on December 2nd 2022. You can support her efforts via her fundraising page: