A three-and-a-half day journey to support school children in Moldova
Later this summer, 'Andy Fit' will be travelling to Eastern Europe with a wonderful team of volunteers to deliver humanitarian aid.
The three-and-a-half day journey will see them navigate through 7 different countries, before finally reaching the small village of Cotiujneii Mici.

TEECH was established in 1998 when a group accepted the challenge from a colleague to assist in repairing two hospitals in Bucharest.
The success of the endeavour inspired the birth of a registered charity, Telecommunications Eastern European Challenge.
"Our vision is to improve the lives of those in Eastern Europe, who by no fault of their own are living in conditions not seen in Western Europe since before the war.
TEECH aim to improve their lives by installing sanitary ware into schools, orphanages and elderly residences where no indoor toilets exist. The charity also delivers aid, including clothing, toys and shoes to the local communities. Over the 20+ years the charity has worked with many schools and hospitals and a home for the aged in Eastern Europe. By sparking enthusiasm with the local people we hope to enable and encourage self-help and enterprise to continue after we have left."

TEECH have impressively provided humanitarian aid every year since their inception in 1998, and this year they will be supporting the village of Cotiujneii Mici.
You can learn more about this year's project here:

With a population of less than 2,000, this selfless venture will undoubtedly be a life-changing experience for the residents of Cotiujneii Mici.
"The team will be working at a school, for approx. 100 children, where they have no indoor toilets. They currently use an outhouse (brick building) which has a concrete floor, and then holes in the floor which is over a pit. The team will turn one room within the school into a bathroom for the boys and one for the girls, containing toilets, hot and cold water, hand driers and sinks, which not only provides them with indoor toilets for the first time, but privacy and hygienic conditions. The team will also tile, paint and anything else we might have time for in the 8 days we are on site."
Support Andy and the TEECH Team
You can support the team and their amazing work before and after they depart on August 13th 2022: