Veterans at Ease: leading the way for military mental health

"We are a leading Military Mental Health Charity, committed to helping Veterans, Reservists, Serving Military Personnel and their families deal with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other combat stress-related issues. We will help anyone who feels they need our support whether they have been diagnosed with PTSD or not" - Veterans at Ease

Veterans at Ease provides free therapy and support through a technique called NLP by trained therapists (all of whom have suffered themselves, been through treatment with Veterans at Ease and then gone on to qualify).

The charity's services support all three branches of HM Armed Forces and are open to serving military personnel (Regulars and Reservists) as well as Veterans and their immediate family members. They also support other uniformed emergency services, like the Police, Fire and NHS.

With around 40% of those engaging with them having considered suicide as a way out, their services really do Save a Veteran's Life

Earlier this year, four incredibly brave and committed veterans undertook a gruelling crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by row boat! The team of fundraisers raised an incredible amount of money to support Veterans at Ease. You can find out more by visiting their fundraising page:

£139000 - thank you. The Mission! – Team Emotive to complete one of the world’s most

If you'd like to make a donation to support Veterans at Ease, head to their Wonderful profile page. You can also fundraise for Veterans at Ease, safe in the knowledge that every penny you raise will reach the charity:

Veterans at Ease |
We are a leading military mental health charity, providing bespoke psychotherapy to the men and women who, having served our country, are now struggling