Swim for a Cure: Supporting AVM Awareness and Research

Lucy is participating in the Swim Serpentine Challenge on September 14th, aiming to swim a mile in the chilly waters. She is seeking support through donations to help her complete the challenge and raise funds for a charity that holds special significance for her. Two years ago, a close friend was diagnosed with an inoperable arteriovenous malformation (AVM) at just 37 years old. Despite treatment, AVMs cannot always be removed if located in the brain. Throughout her friend's journey, The Butterfly AVM Charity has provided crucial support, becoming a lifeline for her and her family.

Lucy is passionate about supporting this small but impactful charity, which plays a vital role in helping individuals with AVMs and advancing research toward a potential cure. If you'd like to make a donation to support Lucy in her challenge head to her Wonderful fundraising page:

Lucy Swim’s the Serpentine | Wonderful.org
I am taking part in the Swim Serpentine Challenge to swim a mile on the 14th September! The temperature of the water has now dropped a bit and it will

More about The Butterfly AVM Charity​:

This charity plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and their families by providing essential information and guidance on accessing help. Funds raised by the charity are dedicated to advancing research, including hiring researchers and PhD students and acquiring specialised equipment. Collaborating with esteemed institutions such as Great Ormond Street Hospital, University College London, Royal Free Hospital, and the Francis Crick Institute, the charity focuses on cutting-edge research to understand the genetic basis of AVMs and seek effective treatments.

The charity’s mission is to raise awareness, inspire the public through stories of AVM sufferers, and continue funding ground breaking research to ultimately find a cure. Please head to the charity's Wonderful profile page, safe in the knowledge that every penny you raise will reach the charity with no deductions or fees whatsoever:

The Butterfly Avm Charity Limited | Wonderful.org
The Butterfly AVM Charity has greatly helped the lives of AVM sufferers and their families, by offering information and advice on who to turn to for help.The