Set sail for a great cause: Round the Island Weekend Fundraiser

This annual race around the Isle of Weight regularly attracts over 1,300 boats and around 10,000 sailors, making it one of the largest yacht races in the world and the fourth largest participation sporting event in the UK!

Starting at the Royal Yacht Squadron line in Cowes, the fleet races westabout, to the Needles, round St Catherine’s point and Bembridge Ledge buoy, and back into the Solent to the finish line at Cowes.

All of the funds raised by the club as part of the Round the Island Race will go directly to projects that keep vessels afloat and support young people as they discover the joys of sailing. If you'd like to support the club with a donation, head to their fundraising page:

Round the Island Weekend Fundraiser for Rona Trust |
The Rona Sailing Project (RSP) is a registered charity and a volunteer-based Sail Training Organisation. RSP is the working name of the Rona Trust. RSP

More about the Rona Sailing Project

The Rona Sailing Project (RSP) is a registered charity and a volunteer-based Sail Training Organisation. They run inclusive Sail Training Voyages (STVs) for diverse young people aged 14 to 25 years old.

RSP's mission is 'to provide offshore sail training opportunities for young people and certain adults to acquire those attributes of a sailor, namely: a sense of responsibility, resourcefulness and teamwork, which will help throughout their lives'. - Rona Sailing Project

In addition to sailing training voyages for individuals, RSP also runs voyages for school and youth groups as well as voyages for adults and young people including those with learning disabilities, mental health issues, those in treatment or recovery from substance misuse, and those who are living with chronic conditions.

The club's goals are to provide opportunities to explore the world of sailing while promoting teamwork, giving back to the community and providing volunteering opportunities for our club members.

Thanks to Wonderful, Rona Sailing Project is among many charities receiving online donations without any fees whatsoever, so that every penny generously donated, can be spent on what really matters.

If you'd like to support any of the Rona Sailing projects fundraisers with a donation, head to the charity's Wonderful profile page:

The Rona Trust |
The RSP is a registered charity and a volunteer-based Sail Training Organisation. We run inclusive Sail Training Voyages (STVs) for diverse young people